Green Innovation Fund

Wightlink Green Innovation Fund

The Green Innovation Fund is currently closed to applications and we expect to launch later in 2024.

The aim of the Wightlink Green Innovation Fund is to encourage Island communities to push boundaries and advance towards the world’s sustainability goals. We’re offering a large award to make a real difference to the Isle of Wight and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

We’re looking for inventors, trailblazers, leaders, groups passionate about creating a more sustainable Isle of Wight.

So we’re asking you to put your heads together – to innovate, to improve and to take action on our changing climate within your communities.

This Fund is part our commitment to running a sustainable business by working closely with the local community. Successful projects align with the pillars of Wightlink’s Commitment to Sustainable Development:

🌍 Tackling Climate Change: Reducing our impact on the planet and delivering net zero emissions by 2050.

This could include projects that:

  • Mitigate or reduce the impacts of climate change.
  • Reduce emissions from fossil fuels by using renewable energy and new technology.
  • Invest in sustainable buildings and infrastructure.

♻️ Consuming Responsibly: Making efficient use of resources to minimise our impact on the environment.

This could include projects that:

  • Reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill.
  • Reduce water and energy consumption.
  • Repurpose, reuse or recycle in innovative ways.

About Wightlink

Wightlink is the leading cross-Solent ferry operator, carrying 4.6 million passengers to and from the Isle of Wight every year. With the introduction of England’s first hybrid ferry in 2018, Wightlink has been leading the way in sustainable travel.

Our Green Solent Project outlines our wide-ranging initiatives to protect the sea, land and air that surround us. We already support communities in a number of ways under our Wightlink in the Community: Sponsorship scheme, giving travel support to over 150 local organisations every year. We launched our Green Fund in 2022 to help residents bring their sustainability projects to life.

How to get help with your big idea

  • Could you join forces with another community group, combining your skill sets to help develop your idea or benefit more people?
  • Could Wightlink help by trialling your idea on our ships or at our ports – utilising our staff expertise and/or broad customer base?
  • We are willing to consider part-funding projects if the rest can be raised elsewhere. Consider crowdfunding platforms, match funding and other grants to help stretch your budget.
A group of people in a huddle in a garden

What are we looking for?

Wightlink’s Green Innovation Fund is dedicated to bringing lasting benefit to communities on the Isle of Wight by helping people live in a more sustainable way – now and in the future. The Fund award grants to selected projects from a total fund of £10,000. We look for:

  1. Projects that bring people together to make a positive impact on the environment
  2. Applications which include both immediate and long-term commitments to create a more sustainable Isle of Wight.
  3. Projects that utilise technology to improve energy efficiency or drive behaviour change to conserve/use less energy.
  4. Original thinking; something innovative. Maybe your idea is something that’s never been done on the Isle of Wight?
  5. Projects that lead the way for others. Perhaps your project is something that people can replicate for themselves, so there’s a wider benefit to the Island?

Who can apply?

  • Grants are only available to organisations based on the Isle of Wight.

  • The Fund is not available to individuals, only organisations and groups. Individuals may consider partnering with others to make a joint application.

  • We support all kinds of groups, including new organisations and start-ups – the important thing is that your group is not-for-profit.

A man with a dark blue shirt completing an application form on a computer

How to apply

Applications are now closed.

We anticipate launching the scheme again in November 2024 and we’ll announce this via Isle of Wight news outlets and on our social media channels. Please check back for more information.

The following information will help you complete your application.

  • The judging panel will prioritise those projects/organisations that best match the themes featured in Wightlink’s Commitment to Sustainable Development.
  • Projects that are geared towards reducing or removing carbon will be looked upon most favourably.
  • You’ll need to be able to quantify what the benefit will be. For example, how much energy will it save / generate.
  • The judging panel would like to see projects that leave a legacy past the funding year.
  • Ongoing maintenance may be required for projects which involve the creation of a physical asset, and this is expected to be covered by the community organisation.
  • Wightlink’s judging panel may wish to discuss your project with you before a decision is made on your application.
  • Wightlink’s judging panel reserve the right to request a visit to any project in receipt of a grant at a mutually agreeable time, for promotional purposes, e.g. photographs, press releases, social media.
  • Details of successful applications, including photographs, may be used in promotional material by Wightlink.
  • Grants will not be awarded for projects which have already been carried out and paid for.
  • The Fund can offer full funding of a project or part-funding towards a specific element or item of a project.

If you have any queries regarding the scheme, please email:
[email protected]

Two schoolchildren gardening at Brighstone School, Isle of Wight

Project Case Studies

We launched the Green Fund in 2022, initially to schools, and fifteen Isle of Wight primaries received a share of the £10,000 fund to support local environmental projects. In 2023 several secondary schools and colleges benefited from funding towards more projects. Here you can meet the primary school pupils and teachers and learn more about their projects, keeping an eye on how they progress.